Tú que ibas a estar ahí cuando las cosas salieran mal, cuando ya no viéramos camino -sin luz, sin norte-. Tú que ibas a estar ahí a propósito de mis quebrantos: Explotado por dentro como un animal acorralado -con miedo, con ira, sin mañana-. Dedicarte un sueño es singularmente doloroso. Simplesmente desapareciste entre las vidas normales los vestidos de presumir y la infinita indiferencia. ENGLISH VERSION You who were going to be there when things went wrong, when we could no longer see the way -without light, without north-. You who were going to be there for the purpose of my brokenness: Exploded inside like a cornered animal -with fear, with anger, without tomorrow-. To dedicate a dream to you is singularly painful. You simply disappeared among the normal lives the show-off dresses and endless indifference.